Brothers In Arms 2 Global Fronts iPad game review

After hearing about his brothers death and the cause of it, Wilson is determined to dig in to the the matter and find out what really happened to his brother. His determination led him to travel around the globe fighting for his country, while at the same time, still wondering the reason of his brothers death. "Brothers in Arms 2" is one of the many titles Gameloft has created for the ipad. The game has manage to maximize the iPad potential for 3D games and HD potential to give you the best of what iPad can offer.

As you can imagine, this game will be a First Person Shooter kinds. This means you have a virtual joystick, on each side, the left joystick is for movement purposes and the right joystick for other actions (aiming, firing, grenade, etc.). The developer has tried to incorporate various kinds of FPS like movement that would add variety to the gameplay. For example, above the "firing joystick" they include buttons that allows you to: sprint, duck, throw grenades, and hide between trenches or walls. Developers also includes classic weapons for the players to use throughout the game play.

As you may imagined, a WWII game always have a linear pattern, which players can already see the pattern of movement as the other roads are "blocked". That being said, the developers has tried to add variety to the game play by giving you various "objectives" before you can advance, or by changing the mode of weapons and transportation that the player use. The story mode is lengthy and well written, as it has a twist on the ending. I enjoy the flow as it brings curiosity to know how Wilsons brother dies.

After playing this game to the end, i noticed a horrible downfall of this game. The controls for this game will most of the time makes you want to stop and delete the game. The size of the iPad makes it quite a stretch for your fingers, and because there are various actions that can be performed at once, the game would most likely get stuck in loops while we are trying to get from one place to another.

What am i talking about? When you run onto a corner of a wall, an automatic animation of our character "finding cover" to the wall will stop your movement. When you run to a place where you can duck, you will automatically duck. However, when you are in cover position there are 2 options, either jump out of your cover, or fire without aiming; these two options sometimes got confused and can risk your game.

In order to keep you coming back to the game, developer has added a multi-player feature, a feature on which needs a high amount of tweak in order to make it credible. So what makes this feature a downside? First of all, you cant do anything, players will spawn on the same spot - this means an enemy player that has a superior weapon such as the rocket launchers can pin you down by shooting a rocket every once in awhile on the same spot. I have tried to play multi-player, but it always ended up me being in the spawn area, dying long the way.

The story mode is worth the shoot, since the plot is brilliant and it will keep you wondering. The controls can be lived by once you "may" get used to it. However, if you are hoping to get a little bit of fun from playign the multi-player mode, then you most likely ran out of luck. The great graphic and sound are worth the try; i purchased this game when it was on sale for $.99, and it was well worth it.


  • Great Story
  • Great graphic
  • Horrible Controls
  • Disappointing multi-player mode

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